Tuesday, July 6, 2010

tarikh itu..tempat itu..kawan - kawan itu..peristiwa itu..


tarikh itu

5th july every year but this year is 5th july 2010 equal to 20.
tempat itu
zack western food near to IPG KSAH
kawan - kawan itu
my 22 classmates although some of them cannot come.. but they have concrete reason.
peristiwa itu
birthday...who? just refer to the cake ok.hehe

sound system mcm best ja kan, potong - potong kek, suap - suap kek lah, conteng - conteng nama la..!! perfect situation for birthday party!! but suddenly...oh is it perfect?? how about my duty within 20 years to the creator..oh when thinking about that..realize something...they are so many things to do as a caliph in this beautiful world..

so, meningkat nya usia memberi kita amaran bahawa mati itu semakin hampir...tiba tiba nampak kek pun takut.hehe (tp habis jgak)

jom kawan - kawan kita ingat mati..sama sama ye sebab nabi bersabda, orang yang paling bijaksana antara kamu ialah orang yang sentiasa mengingati mati dan beramal kearahnya..

p/s thanx untuk semua..sangat sangat gembira..nabilah, nady and kak tin, tq untuk hadiahnya.cantik dan comel!!..kawan - kawan yang lain jgak, classmate excellence P2J..hehe thanx!! barakallah ya kalian!! amin.


OrenLimau said...

hahhaha..mati itu pasti
hidup itu....(blank)
saya lupa quote itu.haha
hapy birthday dear~

HiJaBViOLet said...

hidup itu? indah! yeke? insyaALLAH..
indah bila kenal TUHAN..
thanx2..taun depan punya hadiah pk siap2 k.hehe